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Beyond Doubt

Sourcing Solutions of The Highest Good

We’re living in a time of uncertainty and chaos. We have experienced a lot of trauma and we don’t necessarily know what is true and what is not. Our generation has never experienced anything like this war and we are still reeling from everything that has happened and continues to happen.

It says in Beshallach, “I will wage a war on Amalek from generation to generation.” It’s seems as though this is that war for our generation. But Amalek is also considered to be doubt. It is not just this outside influence of evil attempting to obliterate the Jewish people. It is doubt. This is the war on doubt and we have the opportunity to break this cycle of generational trauma and come through this with our heads held higher than ever. It really comes down to the command we have over our minds, as one people. Where are we doubting that we are protected and lashing out over some political agenda? Where are we doubting that we are the leaders of this world? This has been promised to us. That we are the people through whom the light will serve all the other nations. Where are we doubting that we can source solutions that serve the highest good? Where are we pointing fingers at each other?
"Wisdom is received as a gift of the mind through the complete humility of acknowledging that we do not know what to do." We have to be open to something greater than our limited intelligence, to provide the breakthrough we so need right now.

We are being condemned by the West, and we watch as they are influenced by a terrorist organization. But we are not victims to this. We receive wisdom from everything around us. What is really being communicated to us and what do we need to take responsibility for? We have to come from a higher level, we have to expect that from ourselves, that there is a higher level of intelligence than the confusion and pain we are currently engaged in. That there is a higher level than anything we are familiar with and that it is comfortable, resourced, stable, clear, powerful, peaceful and of service to everybody’s highest good.

If we can go beyond the trauma response and elevate our condition, opening to the wisdom that is beyond our reactivity, I guarantee that we will source solutions as a nation that are more powerful and less violent than what we see right now. Peace is real, but it has to start with us. We are the leadership.

AHI is an 8 part training program, built from 15years of research into the mechanics & science of the higher mind. The Augmentation of Human Intelligence has two tracks:
- for the global AI industry so that the technologies of the future are developed from an elevated level of intelligence
- for Israel, so that we can step firmly into our role as a light unto the nations with the grounding and unwavering stability of wisdom-led decision making.

Esther Lancaster

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