The Augmentation of Human Intelligence
THE ethical standard for artificial intelligence and the technologies of the future
Esther Lancaster is a distinguished expert in the field of AI ethics, specializing in the augmentation of human intelligence. Having had over a decade of unique training in this arena, she is positioned at the cutting edge of this new and crucial industry. As a leading authority in this domain, she has made significant contributions to the ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence.


AHI Training
Lead the future of AI with Esther's comprehensive training on the augmentation of human intelligence. Her years of expertise as an AI ethicist and consultant has been boiled down into an 8 part training series, supporting society through this massive intelligence shift we are experiencing.
Artificial Intelligence and the other cyber-kinetic technologies are causing us to reconsider our capacity as humans. The AHI training exposes important truths and tools, that will guide us toward higher intelligence and our ability to regularly access this.
The technologies of the future will serve humanity when we take responsibility to help ourselves. This training is made for that.
Up Next
Celebrate the humane & elevated component leading technological development. A wellbeing event that brings industry leaders together to focus on what is crucial as technology gets stronger and stronger -- human intelligence and its augmentation. With industry leaders, generative robots and evolved humans, the HCTech event promises to take everything to the next level.